Cache: On Memory and Mourning (2018)
Cache is a zine and video installation work realised during summer of 2018 with the project Howling Pancakes in MAMA Rotterdam.
The work is a direct response to the tragic death of Ellen Loo (a queer Hong Kong musician) with weaving and poetry. Later, the poem was also recited at Unwanted Words, an intersectional Queer Poetry platform, at Tender Center in March, 2019.

Mis | túlka: These Poems / Sun, Paper, Mud (2016)
Poems / Performance [co-produced with Tytti Arola]These Poems is a set of collage poems reconstructed from A Small Collection of Poetry by Þórarinn Hannesson, a poet from Siglufjörður, Iceland. Inspired by the nostalgic experience depicted in the poems, These Poems delivers an altered emotion with the same imagery. Sun, Paper, Mud is the soundscape of the poems, performed by Tytti Arola. The performance took place in Ljóðasetur Íslands on 1 Jul 2016.
The work is realised during the REITIR residence programme in Jul 2016. Read the zine here.
(Photo credit: REITIR)

©2024 Dorothy Cheung